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Inter-generational Dynamics in the Workplace
Age, Generations and the Future
Sunday 12th October 2008 - Thursday 16th October 2008
At Lorne, by the sea, Victoria, Australia
GRA - Group Relations Australia
Introduction Primary Task Issues Concepts Methodology Programme Staff Info & Fees Payment Terms Reductions Bursaries Booking Web Sites
People from different generations are brought together and intermix in the workplace. This diversity can be rich and productive. It can also be problematic and the cause of misunderstandings. This conference gives the opportunity to explore the intergenerational dynamics present in today's groups and organisations. It will examine both the creative and destructive potential of these dynamics in order to prepare for better futures.
If you only attend one conference or workshop in 2008,
this should be it.
Understanding and working with interactions across generations allow for a more hopeful future. The wisdom of past experience, together with the capacity to perceive anew and with energy is the prerogative of all age groups. Too often we act 'as if' only the old are wise and only the young are curious and energised. Such stereotypes become inappropriately lodged in different generations. Through understanding how this occurs, we can begin to engage those communications needed to ensure that the difficult issues of the current age and workplace are acted upon with all the creative resources that we can muster.
This conference gives the opportunity to explore the inter-generational dynamics present in today's groups and organisations. It will examine both the creative and destructive potential of these dynamics in order to prepare for a better future. top of document Conference Aims and Primary Task
to explore and study the inter-generational and age-group dynamics of the conference as they occur in the here and now of the groups and institution of the temporary organisation.
Although the primary task is to study in the 'here and now' and many of the conference events are aimed at this - the small and large study groups, for example - some events support this primary task through other means. For example, the Plenaries, the Review Groups and the Seminar are aimed at either introducing and/or making sense of the here and now experiences.top of document Issues
Why explore inter- generatioerational dynamics?
top of document Concepts
The Conference as an Organisation
The conference is a five-day temporary organisation with members and staff of different ages and from different generations. Excitingly, this offers the opportunity to study how this temporary organisation begins and develops.
The temporary organisation has:
top of document Methodology
The Group Relatioelations Methodology
The conference uses the group relations methodology of experiential learning within a variety of group settings. In this method, members learn from their own experience of interacting with others. There are opportunities to explore new roles, the taking up of leadership and experiencing the effects of one's own authority and the authority of others. This is supported through the work of the consultant staff members who work with the members to discern and give meaning to collective experiences and group dynamics.
In particular, this conference adapts the methodology to explore intergenerational dynamics in groups and organisations. The conference staff works collaboratively with members in both managerial and consultative roles.
The group relations methodology is an established process for learning from experience in the exploration of group and organisational dynamics. It is used in conferences throughout the world by a network of providers to which Group Relations Australia is linked.
Included in this conference is the use of role analysis sessions. These sessions provide members with individual consultation on their learning and application to
'back home' workplace issues. This allows some conference learning to become immediately applicable.top of document Programme
Conference Events
Each conference event has a task derived from the conference primary task but with a different emphasis to allow for different learning.
The Working Conference
Opening and Closing Plenaries
Plenaries have the task of opening and closing the conference. In the opening plenary, the Director and staff open the conference, introduce the various events within the conference, provide administrative information and invite members into the conference. The closing plenary has the task ofending the work of the conference, inviting members to reflect on the experience and continue their learning. Members of the working conference and the training group attend both plenaries.
Small Study Groups
These groups have the task: 'to study the inter-generational, age-group and associated dynamics of the small group as they occur'.
Members are pre-assigned to small groups of 8-10 members and a consultant staff member. There is the opportunity to work in an assigned group to study inter-generational dynamics as they occur in the small group setting.
Large Study Group
This group, comprised of the total membership and 2-3 consultants, has the task: 'to study the inter-generational, age-group and associated dynamics of the large group as they occur'.
The large group offers the opportunity to study group dynamics in the large unstructured group. For the most-part our organisations are structured into smaller components and we function predominantly in small work groups and committees. But the 'whole' is present in our minds and experience at some level and influences our behaviour even though it may only rarely gather together. The large study group offers a unique opportunity to study intergenerational dynamics as they emerge in the unstructured 'whole' of the organisation.
Inter-generatioerational Inter-group Event
This event has the task: 'to study inter-generational, age-group and associated dynamics as they occur in and between groups'.
Groups are formed consisting of members from the same generation. These groups will be (i) members under 3535 (ii) members 35-45 (iii) members 46-55 (iv) members 55+.
The opportunity is provided to study the relations within and between groups. Consultants will be provided to work with the groups.
Institutional Event
This event has the task: 'to study the inter-generational, age-group and associated dynamics of the institution as they occur'.
Members are free to form groups of their own choice. The staff will be present as a management group and will interact with member groups during the event. Consultants, however, will be provided to work with groups upon negotiation with the management group.
The opportunity is provided to study the dynamics of the temporary organisation as an institution.
Review Groups
Pre-assigned review groups have the task: 'to review the experience and learning of the conference'.
These groups of members each work with a consultant to review experiences. They provide individual members with a chance to reflect on their experience and learning in the conference. A staff member works with the group, in this case with a focus on the learning of the individuals rather than on the group dynamics.
The seminar occurs mid-way in the conference.
It has the task: to introduce some ideas about systems psychodynamics and to reflect on these in relation to the experience of the conference. In contrast to the experiential events, the seminar provides a chance for assimilation of the experience into a more formal cognitive context.
Role Analysis Sessions
These sessions have the task: 'to explore roles taken up in the conference and links to roles at work'.
Members will have the opportunity to book a 40 minute session with a consultant. This session will allow the member to explore the learning discovered through the taking up of roles in the conference and applying this learning to thoughts of roles taken up in the member's workplace. During the session there is time to explore roles with the consultant while other members act as a 'reflection group', listening to the consultation and feeding back their own associations and reflections.
Social Dreaming Matrix
The social dreaming matrix is held each morning.
The task is: to present dreams and make associations and connections to the dreams.
This event is for all members and staff. In contrast to a group, the matrix is not concerned with interpersonal or group dynamics, but is an open space that allows for meaning to emerge from the dreams that are brought. Matrix members associate to the dreams and make connections between them. This allows for resonances with the temporary organisation of the conference and its internal and external context. Whatever the ongoing dynamics of the social systems within the conference, the social dreaming matrix is a space where all dreams, associations and connections have equal validity. Hence new meanings in the broad context of the conference may be discovered. Staff
Conference Director and Director Susan Long Professor of Creative and Sustainable Organisation RMIT University. She is a past president of the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organisations and immediate Past President of Group Relations Australia. Conference Associate Director and Director of the Training Group Eliat Aram PhD Principal Change and Development Consultant and Coach at the Tavistock Institute, Eliat currently leads the Institute's provision of coaching and is a key figure in its Group Relations programme. Conference Administrator David Patman PhD David has been involved in psychodynamic work and thinking in Australia for 10 years. Staff Herbert Hahn MA Psy Over the past 45 years Herbert Hahn has been engaged in receiving, learning about and offering organizational and career consultancy, psychoanalysis, group relations, group analysis, social dreaming. Brigid Nossal PhD For the past 15 years, Brigid has worked as a consultant to organisations. She has recently joined Innovative Practice Consulting as a Senior Associate. She is a founding member of Group Relations Australia. Himadri Potter MSc. Organisatioation Dynamics Himadri is an organisation development consultant with 12 years' experience consulting within education, government, not for profit and commercial sectors. Eve Steel BA Eve is a psychoanalyst with many years of clinical and organisational experience. She was involved in the establishment of group relations work through the Australian Institute of Socio-Analysis. top of document Info and Fees
The conference is at Erskine House, Mountjoy Parade,
Lorne, Victoria.
It begins at 9.45 on Monday October 13th 2008 and ends at 5.30 on Friday October 17th 2008.
The conference fee includes full board and meals. Rooms are all individual rooms with ensuite.
Fees for the Working Conference and the Training Group are as follows.
The early bird fee is Australian $3,890.
The early bird fee must be paid by April 25th, 2008.
The full fee is Australian $4,200.
top of document Payment Terms
50% non-refundable deposit to be paid by July 4th 2008 and the remainder by September 11th 2008.
Places are limited so it is advisable to register early.
Cancellation Policy:
Should a fully paid member cancel prior to July 4th 2008 (full fee or early bird) 5% will be retained for administrative costs.
Should a fully paid member cancel prior to September 11th (full fee or early bird) 50% of the fee is refundable.
If cancellation is after September 11th there is no refund.
This policy is in line with the cancellation policy of the venue that retains the non refundable fees.
top of document Reduced Fees
There is a 10% reduction in the fee for 3 or more members from the same organisation.
There is a 10% reduction for members of Group Relations Australia.
These reductions are non cumulative.top of document Bursaries
Bursaries may be available for special circumstances.
Please contact the Director: susan.long@rmit.edu.autop of document Booking
To book, please ask for an application form:
Send to: e.mail:
or post to:
Dr. David Patman
c/o Group Relations Australia
PO Box 12246
Atop of document Web Sites
top of document